News & Announcements
Tortugas Arroyo Improvements Groundbreaking on Wednesday, March 26th @ 3:30 pm on the Tortugas Arroyo in Corrales, NM just southeast of NM528 & Northern Blvd. Join SSCAFCA, the US Army Corps of Engineers, other local legislators, and other local government leaders as we break ground on this project.
On February 27th, The New Mexico State Senate and the New Mexico State House of Representatives extended their Recognition and Acknowledgement to SSCAFCA for its thirty-fifth anniversary. This recognition and acknowledgement was introduced and brought forth by Senator Jay Block Lt Col, USAF (Retired) (District 12) and Representative Alan Martinez (District 23).
Our paper Infiltration Model Parameters from Rainfall Simulation for Sandy Soils has been selected to receive the Best Technical Note Award in the Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. We are very honored to receive this recognition from the ASCE Environmental Water Resources Institute (EWRI).The co-authors are: Gerhard Schoener, Sara Rassa, Matthew Fleming, Dave
Protect citizens and property by implementing proven flood control solutions that:
- Manage our watersheds prudently for future generations
- Enhance the quality of life
- Create the most appealing multi-use facilities
- Set an example of quality, itegrity, leadership, and professionalism
- Educate the public concerning flood hazards
- Administer public funds prudently