The Southern Sandoval County Arroyo Flood Control Authority (SSCAFCA) requests qualification based competitive sealed proposals to provide On-Call Professional Services – Design & Construction Engineering. The solicitation documents, including scope of work, criteria for selection, and additional information, can be found below. A non-mandatory Pre-Proposal meeting will be held on September 6, 2023
Test Post
Invitation for Bids: IFB 2023-03 Stallion Channel Access Segment Project The Southern Sandoval County Arroyo Flood Control Authority (SSCAFCA) requests competitive sealed bids for Construction Services for the Stallion Channel Access Segment Project. This is a re-bid of IFB 2023-02. Contact person: Deborah Casaus, Procurement Officer at (505) 892-7246. SSCAFCA will accept bids until July 27,
Awarded – Bid Tab Invitation for Bids: IFB 2023-01 High Range Detention Pond Project The Southern Sandoval County Arroyo Flood Control Authority (SSCAFCA) requests competitive sealed bids for Construction Services for the High Range Detention Pond Project. Contact person: Deborah Casaus, Procurement Officer at (505) 892-7246. SSCAFCA will accept bids until July 6, 2023 at 3:00