PROJECT PURPOSE: This project will provide stormwater detention to protect downstream infrastructure from being overwhelmed during the 100-year storm event. Location: City of Rio Rancho Watershed: Black Arroyo Estimated Construction Cost: $3,438,217.00 +NMGRT Funding Source: Water Trust Board, SSCAFCA Bond Funds, State of New Mexico Capital Outlay, Private Funds Start Date: 11/25/24 Estimated Completion Date: 5/14/25 Contractor CBKN Dirtworks Project Designer: WH Pacific (NV5) Project Management: SSCAFCA Construction Oversight: SSCAFCA Construction Documents
PROJECT PURPOSE: Sunset Channel will capture the drainage coming from Sunset Pond (north of Tulip Road) in a pipe and convey it down through the subdivision to the culvert under Lisbon Avenue, and will also serve as a pathway for pedestrian use between Lisbon Ave. and Tulip Rd. Location: City of Rio Rancho Watershed: Black Arroyo Estimated Construction