John Chaney has been a resident of Sandoval County for thirty seven years. He is an economics undergraduate of the University of Oklahoma and received his law degree from the University of Michigan. He is a long standing member of the New Mexico State Bar, though not a practicing attorney.

John has chosen a career as an independent businessman. He has been involved in the Native American art business for over three decades, spending time in the pueblos and on the reservations of the Southwest and owning several galleries. He also helped found the San Pedro Creek Estates and was a partner in several office warehouse ventures in Albuquerque and in El Paso, Texas.

John brings a deep understanding of the nature of SSCAFCA’s responsibilities in that he lived for thirty four years in the village of Corrales prior to moving to Rio Rancho. He and his wife, Barbara, have two children, both of whom were born and raised here in New Mexico. Their daughter is an engineer in Santa Fe, New Mexico and their son has joined the family Native American art business. John’s experience in both Corrales and Rio Rancho give him a knowledge of the concerns and needs of both communities. His experiences in rural New Mexico give him an understanding of the impact of flooding and the need for infrastructure in those communities outside the metropolitan area as well.

John was on the original Board of the Southern Sandoval County Arroyo Flood Control Authority, serving as Chairman for four years and Vice-chair for six years.

John believes that the mission of SSCAFCA is to protect the residents of southern Sandoval County and assure taxpayers that their dollars are spent wisely and efficiently. His positions consistently reflect his deep conviction that the costs of development of SSCAFCA facilities should be borne by those who benefit from them, whether they be in the private sector or governmental entities. SSCAFCA taxes have not been raised while John has been on the Board.