RFP 2022-04 – Design & Engineering Services for Nightglow Ave Flood Risk Reduction Project

The Southern Sandoval County Arroyo Flood Control Authority (SSCAFCA) requests qualification based competitive sealed proposals to provide Design and Engineering Services for the Nightglow Ave Flood Risk Reduction Project. The solicitation documents, including scope of work, criteria for selection, and additional information, can be found below.

SSCAFCA will accept proposals until December 13, 2022 at 3:00 pm local time at its office building located at 1041 Commercial Drive SE, Rio Rancho, NM 87124. Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered.

Please send all questions regarding this procurement to Deborah Casaus at dcasaus@sscafca.com.  Please put “Question-RFP 2022-04” in the subject line.  Ms. Casaus will reply with a confirmation email letting prospective bidders know that their questions have been received.

Questions must be received no later than December 6, 2022 at 5:00 pm.

RFP Documents:

Request for Proposals – IFB 2022-04 (incl. Appendix A-B)

Appendix C – Template Agreement Between Engineer and Owner

Project Vicinity Map


Addendum 01 – Response to Question

Additional Information:

SSCAFCA encourages offerors to utilize the information below in their response to this RFP.

Base Level Engineering Report

SharePoint Links:

BLE HEC-RAS 2D Model for Montoyas Watershed (.zip file, approx. 2.8 GB)

2D Model 100-yr Elevation Results (.zip file approx. 27 MB)

2D Model 100-yr Depth Results (.zip file, approx. 41 MB)

2018 MRCOG LiDAR Tiles for Project Area (.zip file, approx. 57 MB)