SSCAFCA’s 35th Anniversary – Legislative Recognition

On February 27th, The New Mexico State Senate and the New Mexico State House of Representatives extended their Recognition and Acknowledgement to SSCAFCA for its thirty-fifth anniversary. This recognition and acknowledgement was introduced and brought forth by Senator Jay Block Lt Col, USAF (Retired) (District 12) and Representative Alan Martinez (District 23).

It was during the 39th Legislative (2nd session) convened in Santa Fe in January of 1990 that Senator Dennis C. Chavez introduced SB-19, which provided the legislation to create SSCAFCA and Representative Pauline Eisenstadt introduced a companion bill (HB402) which provided the initial operating funds for SSCAFCA.

For the last 35 years, SSCAFCA has been defined by visionary and innovative leadership, dedicated staff, and a steadfast commitment to the communities we serve (Town Of Bernalillo, Village of Corrales, City of Rio Rancho and Sandoval County Government).

On hand to accept this certificate for SSCAFCA were Board Treasurer Ron Abramshe, Executive Engineer, Dave Gatterman, and Design Services Director, Andrés Sanchez.