The SSCAFCA Board of Directors meeting will be held on December 14, 2012 at 9:00 am. Click here December 14, 2012 Special Meeting Notice for the PDF
Public Involvement Meeting for the Harvey Jones Channel/Corrales Rd. (NM 448) Bridge Improvements (Control Number A30111) Please join us to learn more about the project, present concerns, and ask questions. Meeting Date: December 12, 2012 Meeting Time: 6:30 – 8:30 pm Meeting Location: Village of Corrales Council Chambers, 4324 Corrales Rd, Corrales, NM Project Summary: Southern Sandoval
Sandoval County Public safety officials from across Sandoval County are seeking public input on strategies for minimizing the potential damage from natural disasters or other hazardous incidents that might strike communities within county limits. The best ideas will be incorporated into the county’s five – year All Hazard Mitigation Plan, a critical document that
Public Art Selection Made for City of Rio Rancho The winning design for public art has been selected for the Unser Boulevard corridor that serves as an entry way into Rio Rancho. Artist Erica Hoverter’s design was selected at the July 27th SSCAFCA Board of Directors’ meeting. [hr_small] This project is a collaborative effort