SCOPE: To increase flood-carrying capacity and provide erosion protection along the Lower Ivory Channel south of Southern Boulevard. PROJECT STATUS: Construction PROJECT DOCUMENTS: As-Builts MEETINGS: Pre-Con Meeting (10/26/2022), Weekly Meetings will be held at SSCAFCA (on Wednesday’s) PROJECT INFORMATION: CITY: Rio Rancho WATERSHED: Black CONSULTANT: SSCAFCA In-House CONTRACTOR: Salls Brothers CONSTRUCTION COST: $1,402,083.43 + NMGRT
Southern Sandoval County Arroyo Flood Control Authority High Range Pond Excavation Rio Rancho, Sandoval County, New Mexico Nation Pollution Discharge Elimination System COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTATION Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan & Temporary Erosion Control Plan October 2022 NPDES Permit:NMR10056H Estimated Project Dates: Project Start Date: October 14, 2022 Project Completion Date: April 20, 2023
SCOPE: Install new outfall for treated water effluent line, including concrete placement, rip-rap, bar grate, by-pass pumping, and minor earthwork to connect to existing channel. PROJECT STATUS: Project Complete PROJECT DOCUMENTS: Plans MEETINGS: Pre-Bid (9/13/21), Pre-Con (12/14/21) PROJECT INFORMATION: CITY: City of Rio Rancho/Village of Corrales WATERSHED: Montoyas CONSULTANT: Huitt-Zollars CONTRACTOR: CBKN CONSTRUCTION COST: $279,080.00 +NMGRT CONSTUCTION
Scope: The purpose of this facility is to attenuate the peak flows from the Tributary A watershed. The pond will discharge to a proposed storm drain in 10th street instead of its historic flow path towards the east. Project Status: Project Complete Project Documents: Plans Meetings: Pre-Bid Meeting (8-31-21), Pre-Con