A public meeting for the Harvey Jones Channel Improvements was held on December 12, 2012 at the Village of Corrales Council Chambers. Click here public meeting presentation for a PDF version of the presentation.
Public Art Selection Made for City of Rio Rancho The winning design for public art has been selected for the Unser Boulevard corridor that serves as an entry way into Rio Rancho. Artist Erica Hoverter’s design was selected at the July 27th SSCAFCA Board of Directors’ meeting. [hr_small] This project is a collaborative effort
The Annette Hise Jones Urban Pond System in the Rio Rancho Urban Watershed consists of a series of retention ponds and drainage channels that protect the Corrales Main Canal and the city of Corrales from stormwater runoff flowing east and south from the southern urban area of Rio Rancho. This system works
This system is located in the Rio Rancho Urban Watershed and consists of two ponds and a number of channels into, out of and between them. In recognition of Mr. Johnnie G. Losack’s Spirit of Service, the Tree Farm Pond System was dedicated in his honor on April 17, 2001. In conjunction