SCOPE: Install new outfall for treated water effluent line, including concrete placement, rip-rap, bar grate, by-pass pumping, and minor earthwork to connect to existing channel. PROJECT STATUS: Project Complete PROJECT DOCUMENTS: Plans MEETINGS: Pre-Bid (9/13/21), Pre-Con (12/14/21) PROJECT INFORMATION: CITY: City of Rio Rancho/Village of Corrales WATERSHED: Montoyas CONSULTANT: Huitt-Zollars CONTRACTOR: CBKN CONSTRUCTION COST: $279,080.00 +NMGRT CONSTUCTION
Scope: The purpose of this facility is to attenuate the peak flows from the Tributary A watershed. The pond will discharge to a proposed storm drain in 10th street instead of its historic flow path towards the east. Project Status: Project Complete Project Documents: Plans Meetings: Pre-Bid Meeting (8-31-21), Pre-Con
Scope: To increase flood-carrying capacity and provide erosion protection along the Arroyo de los Montoyas between NM528 and City of Rio Rancho/Village of Corrales municipal boundary. Project Status: Construction Project Documents: Plans Meetings: Pre-Bid Meeting (1/21/2022), Onsite Meetings (varies) PROJECT INFORMATION Location: City: Rio Rancho Watershed: Montoyas Consultant: Smith Engineering
IFB 2021-02 – 10th Street S.E. Drainage Improvements The Southern Sandoval County Arroyo Flood Control Authority (SSCAFCA) requests competitive sealed bids for Construction Services for the 10th Street S.E. Drainage Improvements Project. Contact person: Deborah Casaus, Procurement Officer at (505) 892-7246. SSCAFCA will accept proposals until May 13, 2021 at 3:00 pm local time at