SSCAFCA is an agency dedicated to serving the public and providing watershed health awareness.
Middle Rio Grande Flood Control Association
The Middle Rio Grande Flood Control Association Annual Breakfast/Networking event brings together local flood control agencies, government agencies, and engineering firms and provides an opportunity to hear from local water and flood control organizations about the years activities and accomplishments, water resource/flood control funding opportunities, and recent policies or guidance impacting water resource development or flood mitigation.
2022 Invitation
2022 Registration Form
Land & Water Summit
SSCAFCA partners with other groups and entities in a variety of programs such as: the Land Water Summit, the Rio Rancho Children’s Water Festival, Earth Day Celebrations, Erosion workshops, Great American Clean Up, America Recycles Day, Arroyo cleanups and other organized events related to stormwater quality.
The Land & Water Summit is an annual two day conference held in Albuquerque, NM. The conference combines the Xeriscape Council of New Mexico and ARID Low Impact Development establishing a synergy with built and planted systems for water management. The conference topic changes each year but continues to educate people locally, regionally and nationally on water in the Southwest.
Please click on the links below to access the programs and projects booklets.
2013: Conference Program and Albuquerque Area ARID LID projects 2013
2014: 2014 Land & Water Summit Program
2014 Middle Rio Grande Low Impact Developements:Projects for Stormwater Management
2015: 2015 Land & Water Summit Program
2015 Middle Rio Grande Low Impact Developments: Projects for Stormwater Management
2016: 2016 Middle Rio Grande Low Impact Developments: Projects for Storm Water Management
Children’s Water Festival
Rio Rancho Children’s Water Festival improves the understanding of good water management principles by the students, teachers and parents who participate in the events. The principal focus of the Festival is to educate fourth grade school children about water and its relationship to human and other natural resources in a fun and interactive atmosphere. Students in the picture on the left are learning about the watershed and pollutants by polluting and making it rain on a watershed model.
Earth Day
SSCAFCA joins the City of Rio Rancho Earth Day celebration that highlights efforts to increase energy efficiency, improve green practices, decrease our carbon footprint and promote sustainable living. The “Bag Monster” brings awareness to the use of plastic bags by showing how many plastic bags the average consumer uses in one year.
Working with the City of Rio Rancho and Keep Rio Rancho Beautiful volunteers help remove tons of trash every year from arroyos and open space.