IFB 2022-03 – Lower Arroyo Venada Bank Stabilization Project

Invitation for Bids: IFB 2022-03

Lower Arroyo Venada Bank Stabilization Project

The Southern Sandoval County Arroyo Flood Control Authority (SSCAFCA) requests competitive sealed bids for Construction Services for the Lower Arroyo Venada Bank Stabilization Project.

Contact person: Deborah Casaus, Procurement Officer at (505) 892-7246.

SSCAFCA will accept bids until January 10, 2023 at 3:00 pm local time at its office at which time the public opening and reading of bids received will begin. Bids received after the deadline will not be considered. A Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held on December 15, 2022 at 2:30 pm at the SSCAFCA Office located at 1041 Commercial Dr. SE, Rio Rancho, NM 87124. Attendance at the Pre-Bid Conference for this project is NOT mandatory to qualify to submit a Bid.

Please send all questions regarding this procurement to Deborah Casaus, SSCAFCA Procurement Manager, at dcasaus@sscafca.com.  Please put “Question – IFB 2022-03” in the subject line.  Ms. Casaus will reply with a confirmation email letting perspective bidders know that questions have been received.

Do not send any questions to the Engineer or SSCAFCA Project Manager.

SSCAFCA is not maintaining a plan holders list for the project.

Bid Abstracts:

Bid Abstract – Subtotals Only

Bid Abstract – Detailed

IFB 2022-03 Bid Documents:

01 – Construction Plans, 22×34, pdf format, Conformed

02 – Bid and Contract Docs, Vol 1 – Agreement & Bid Forms, Conformed

03 – Bid and Contract Docs, Vol 2 – Specifications, Conformed

04 – Bid Schedule (Revised with Addendum 1 – 12/12/22)


Addendum 1 – Revised Bid Schedule (issued 12/12/2022)

Addendum 2 – Questions & Bid Document Changes (issued 12/22/2022)

Pre-Bid Conference Information:


PowerPoint Presentation (pdf)