The Oldest Park In Rio Rancho, Haynes Park Now Shows The Way To The City’s Future.

The lands now known as Haynes Park were assembled from lands donated at different times by AMREP and the Rotary Clubs of New Mexico and West Texas. Roskos Field was built by John Roskos, Sr. and his son on AMREP property north of the original Rotary Park to serve as the original home of Cibola Little League.
In October of 2001, the rehabilitation and redesign of Roskos Field as a multi-use drainage facility and community amenity was completed as a joint effort by the City of Rio Rancho, which provided the land, and SSCAFCA, which provided the design, funding and construction. At the same time and also in collaboration with the city, SSCAFCA built a half-acre wetland demonstration project that also serves a dual purpose as a method of filtering runoff and a pleasing addition to the park.
Roskos Field Pond
A Joint Project To Benefit All Of The Community.
The Roskos Field Pond and Haynes Park Wetland Project was a joint effort by the City of Rio Rancho, which provided the land, and SSCAFCA, which provided the design, funding and construction.
The project combined several drainage improvements within the existing park environment to provide flood control for water draining from the 960-acre New Mexico 528 Watershed. The Roskos Field Pond was incorporated into the watershed system to ensure the flow of runoff through the 528 Diversion Channel does not exceed the capacity of the Seven Bar Channel and other downstream facilities.
The NM 528 Diversion Channel drains to the Rio Grande by a system of constructed channels and improved arroyos:
- – The 7-Bar Channel starting at the county line
- – The Black Diversion Channel
- – The Calabacillas Arroyo to the Rio Grande
Roskos Field Pond stores up to seven acre-feet of runoff and slowly releases into the channel at five cubic feet per second (cfs).
By storing this water, the pond limits the 100-year runoff into the first downstream channel, the 7-Bar Channel, to its design capacity of 1,000 cfs.